10 reviews for Dragon Fist: ULPPL Hybrid Program

5x Per Week Upper Lower + PPL Hybrid Program (1 hour run time per session on average)

Relive your childhood dreams of looking like a Super Hero! Dragon Fist is a program that combines strength, hypertrophy, stamina, and high exercise selection into an effective program that also doesn’t demand very much time when compared to other splits. Dragon Fist is best for those that want to get the most results that are humanly possible within a 45-60 minute training session, while also still getting a great overall training effect.

Follow the form cues as closely as possible, because it will help you get the MOST out of the work we’re doing here.

Inspired by the greatest of all time, Goku, Dragon Fist is my way of honoring the late Akira Toriyama (the creator of Dragon Ball), and the inspirational body of work he left behind.

As a child, we all can speak to seeing a larger-than-life physique that inspired us to hit the gym HARD. Whether it was TV, film, or in animation, we all have that core memory. That feeling of motivation and overcoming your limits was instilled in me by Goku, and I want to share those feelings with you.

Dragon Fist Combines Barbell Work, Calisthenics, and engaging exercise selection into a system that will force you to put on slabs of muscle and strength that will translate into any other program.

General Guidelines 

Pick variations that make sense for your space. Don’t pick motions that would require you to walk clear across the gym constantly, and don’t forget to pick things you know you generally enjoy.

Deload (take an easy week or few days) every 6-8 weeks OR as needed if you would like to train harder for longer. Listen to your body. Avoid taking breaks after any less than 4 weeks of hard training. This looks like doing half the volume or reducing the weight by 20-25% and doing some easy workout for a few days.

Double Progressions 

This program gives you a range of sets and reps. Because this program wants you to use much higher proximity to failure on average, I want MOST of you (even the advanced lifters) to pick the lower amount of sets given. Add more sets as NEEDED (not as wanted) to create forward progression in your training. Part of the goal of this program in to get the maximum stimulus for the shortest amount of time in the gym. In general, I don’t want you in there longer than an hour.

This program uses a system called Double Progression. In a basic Double Progression, you’re given a set and rep range.  For example: 3 sets of 8-12. Each week, you add reps until you’re at 3x12, then you add weight and do it all over again. 

This type of progression undulates between volume and intensity, allowing you to typically train harder without a deload. It is also very easy to follow.

There are two ways to start off a double progression. You can do 3 sets of 8 (leaving a couple reps in the tank on your first set) and then each week, add reps until you get to 3x12. You can add reps to each set, or reps to one set at a time. OR If you’re newer, you can do 12 reps on your first set (leaving a couple reps in the tank) and then fill out your reps on subsequent sets each week. (This second approach is typically the approach I take for new exercises that I’m not sure of my performance on) I also recommend this for people who tend to UNDERSHOOT (go too easy)

Dynamic Double Progressions

This program will use these on any exercise that has a top set and a back off set(s). Dynamic Double Progressions are the same as normal ones, the only difference is that you’ll be adding weight to each set individually instead of waiting until you fill up a full set and rep range. 

For example, if you’re told to add weight once you can add 3+ reps to a set, and you add 4 reps to set one, but only 2 reps to set two, you would add weight to set one, while keeping set 2’s weight the same until you can add more reps.

Linear Periodization

This will be used on big exercises. It’s baked into the program automatically so feel free to skip this part of the breakdown, but for those that are curious as to what it is/why it’s being used, I included it into the program to drive strength progression on the heaviest compound lifts. This is a personal preference of mine as a coach, since it allows us to progress in terms of absolute load in a predictable fashion. This is usually done with percentages and ends in a max, but this has been adapted in Dragon Fist to meet the needs of bodybuilding, while also being easy to understand for those who aren’t familiar with it.

4.47 / 5
Brian E.Man, 34
2 hours ago
3 weeks complete
4 years of prior experience
Less than expected strength gains
Less than expected muscle gains
Good workout to roll back after a harder program. Has given time and space for muscles to recover. Recommend doing one round of program to break up bigger bodybuilding program.
John B.Man, 38
17 hours ago
3 weeks complete
6 years of prior experience
More than expected strength gains
As expected muscle gains
This program helped get back into focused training after a year of just messing around, would recommend!
Jake R.Man, 27
a day ago
3 weeks complete
2 years of prior experience
As expected strength gains
As expected muscle gains
Have options for not having cable machine or leg machine
James O.Man, 30
4 days ago
3 weeks complete
8 years of prior experience
As expected strength gains
As expected muscle gains
A really well structured plan and alternative lifts were always appropriate. Enjoyed having pushups in the mix for upper and push day. Enjoying the programme a lot.
Rahul BhattMan, 22
6 days ago
5 weeks complete
3 years of prior experience
More than expected strength gains
As expected muscle gains
I think I would’ve gotten way more out of the program if I bulked but when I started this program I was already at the end of one, instead of cutting I thought might as well just use the extra calories and try a recomp at around 20% bodyfat, and I can say that I have def built muscle and have a better body composition, I’d say I’m around 17% right now at 84kgs bw that’s like 2.4 kgs of muscle in 3ish months..def an intense program. Be ready to be sore almost every week since you’re training at RPE8-9 most of the times your body has no choice but to grow. I’d say if training isn’t a priority for you pick beast slayer or raider, having run both of them in the past I can say that they are easier on recovery. But one thing I’d like to add is that this program made me stronger almost unexpectedly, I did expect some strength gains but I think they just sky rocketed..which is insane for someone like me since I’ve been training for a little over 3 years, and these were like noobie strength gains all over again. Great program all in all!
Treyton HatchMan, 22
20 days ago
3 weeks complete
1 year of prior experience
As expected strength gains
More than expected muscle gains
Great program, love the mix of hypertrophy and strength training. Amazing dynamic workout for overall growth without a particular focus on a single category. Some movements id never tried that I fell in love with love Baysiean curls
Fernando P.Man, 22
a month ago
3 weeks complete
6 years of prior experience
As expected strength gains
As expected muscle gains
Great Programm that knows how to have a very effective and dinamic combo with weights and calisthenics, I feel like a more rounded athletic individual, enjoying a lot and waiting with a lot of emotion for the increase in weights!!!
. .Man
a month ago
3 weeks complete
1 year of prior experience
As expected strength gains
More than expected muscle gains
cutting so strength wasnt great, really fun program tho
Omar GabrielMan, 23
2 months ago
1 year of prior experience
More than expected strength gains
More than expected muscle gains
Happy for the progress Destroy my skinny fat physique
2 months ago
4 years of prior experience
As expected strength gains
As expected muscle gains