12 reviews for MASS IMPACT
Muscle growth is a slow process, one that demands consistency, hard work and determination. That’s what I’ve heard a thousand times, and it’s mostly right. You DO need all of those things. However, there are definitely ways of speeding up that process at least slightly. Furthermore, we can focus on the musculature that provides the most bang for your aesthetic buck. No, that’s not calves. Or the sartorius. You don’t even know what that is, do you? It’s OK, I’m not into astrology either.
I’m talking about a mid back so thick you could bury your fist in it, delts that provide shade for nearby pedestrians, arms that could be confused for legs and an upper chest that provides a nice shelf for beverages on a hot day. Now THAT is functional training. This ain’t your grandaddy’s hypertrophy plan, unless your grandaddy is an absolute savage who has a PhD in badassery. The idea is to be confused for a human meatball by the end of things.
Welcome...to Mass Impact.
Jayvin Williams
Man, 181 year of prior experience
As expected strength gains
As expected muscle gains
Honestly don’t care for this program nor do I know much about gvs but saw that review by that 16 year old tren goblin and thought I’d do some good and off set his review with my own. Seems like the program is fine and there is no way gvs is on steroids honestly if you’re so far gone to the black pill that every good looking natty is juicing (especially one who has a huge following due to his status and authority as a natty) you need to get off insta and put some time under the bar
Giovanni E.
Man, 202 years of prior experience
As expected strength gains
More than expected muscle gains
Writing this to offset the negative review some kid left claiming that Geoff isn't natural and this program doesn't work. GVS' content is one of the best resources you can find if you want to make progress as a NATURAL lifter. His advice helped me make a ton of gains and I'm sure this program is amazing for anybody looking to add pounds of muscle and look absolutely yoked!
i M.
Man, 161 year of prior experience
Less than expected strength gains
Less than expected muscle gains
Yeah works well if you're on steroids... Don't take advice from someone who is not natural...like GVS Edit: stfu stupid nerd called Cristian, bet you look like a twig with your GVS fanboy HYperTRoHy shi😭😭 Would NOT waste my money on shi like this😂 10s of better free programs❗
Eli M.
Man, 473 weeks complete
3 years of prior experience
As expected strength gains
More than expected muscle gains
4 weeks in and have gained some noticeable muscle mass in my shoulders and back. My daughter said my waist looked smaller (haven’t seen her in 3 weeks), and my waist is actually about 1/4” bigger than when I started, but my shoulder measurement is almost a full inch bigger. I’m going to run it through on a bulk and then continue bulking and run Ravage.
Steve D.
Man, 403 weeks complete
5 years of prior experience
As expected strength gains
As expected muscle gains
GVS nailed it
Winston W.
Man, 223 weeks complete
2 years of prior experience
As expected strength gains
As expected muscle gains
Fun program very compact and happy that it hits the most important parts for physique
Man, 323 weeks complete
6 years of prior experience
More than expected strength gains
More than expected muscle gains
Absolutely the best muscle building program I’ve ever done. Coming from a strength training / powerlifting background, I’ve made significant muscle gains on MASS IMPACT in lagging muscles groups like upper back, lats, shoulders (particularly rear), and arms. Leg size has not grown but has been maintained on only 1 day of training. Currently cutting too while seeing great results.
Man, 192 years of prior experience
More than expected strength gains
More than expected muscle gains
Don't mind delusional soft kiddos like "i M.". Geoffrey is one of the greatest sources of information out there and his content is a straight 10/10. He's become so big now that TikTok zombie weaklings call him a fake natty.
João L.
Man8 years of prior experience
As expected strength gains
As expected muscle gains
GVS is my daddy
Man, 248 years of prior experience
More than expected strength gains
More than expected muscle gains
2x through ravage with insane gains. Pumped to give this one a go 💪🏻