0 reviews for The Wayjacked Machine
The Wayjacked Machine is a scientifically-backed program designed by Geoffrey Verity Schofield for new lifters aiming to build serious muscle while training smart. This 4-day upper/lower split strikes the perfect balance between intensity, volume, and recovery, ensuring that you progress efficiently without burning out. Each workout combines heavy compound lifts to build strength and isolation movements to target those stubborn muscle groups, all while keeping it fun and dynamic.
The program emphasizes going hard on your sets (with 0 RIR on most lifts) while keeping things manageable by limiting extra volume—yes, even if you’re tempted to throw in every Instagram-worthy exercise you’ve seen. Rest assured, you’ll still have room to sneak in that favorite curl or lateral raise variation if you absolutely must (just don’t tell Geoff).
Whether you're chasing the dream of filling out your t-shirts or building a solid foundation for your lifting journey, this program is your ticket to the "Wayjacked" lifestyle. Stick to it, eat enough, and sleep like a champion. Results are waiting for those who commit.
Coach Notes:
If you REALLY want to, you can add ONE movement per day as long as it’s not too taxing (like a deadlift or a squat or some other very heavy taxing compound movment). For example, if you really like leg extensions, toss a set or two on the leg day, or if you saw a new triceps variation you like, you can toss that in for a couple of sets on the arm day after the other work. You’re going to do this anyway if you’re starting out, consuming a lot of fitness content, so I might as well sign off on it, JUST DON’T OVERDO IT! Taking everything to 0 RIR, with the exception of barbell bench, RDLs, high bar squats and leg press. In that case, keeping a rep in the tank is OK if you’re not really sure if you’ll get the next rep. If you fail the occasional rep on other movements, that’s fine. Look to add weight over time, whenever you are bumping up against the top of the rep range. This can be for one or both sets, whatever weight is challenging and gets you in the right rep range.
Resist the urge to do more; if you are eating enough, sleeping enough, training hard enough with reasonable form you’ll be able to progress very well on this! Can do some cardio on the days off, or on the upper days at the end if you prefer to consolidate. Low or high intensity intervals are both OK, if the latter be careful doing them on the day before a lower body workout as that can impact performance, especially if it’s running/sprinting.