19 reviews for Matt Vena Intermediate Powerlifting Program

Version 2.0 of program

From champion powerlifter and coach Matt Vena, this program is a generalized powerlifting routine for intermediate lifters, focusing on squats, bench presses, and deadlifts with specific variations and accessory work. Here's a concise breakdown:


  • Day 1: Regular squats and tempo squats (4-second descent, 0.5-second pause).

  • Day 3: Paused squats (1-second pause at the bottom).

Bench Press:

  • Day 1: Larsen press and dumbbell incline bench for hypertrophy.

  • Day 2: Tempo bench single (4-count descent) and back-off sets.

  • Day 3: Primary bench day with long pause bench (2-second pause).

  • Day 4: Regular bench press and close grip bench press (2-3 finger widths narrower).


  • Day 2: Romanian deadlifts for hinge work and posterior chain hypertrophy.

  • Day 4: Paused deadlifts (1 inch off the floor, 1-second pause).

Accessory Work:

  • Triceps: Included on three bench days.

  • Back and Biceps: Back work on day 2, biceps on day 1. First set to failure, remaining sets to RPE8.

Progression Scheme:

  • Microcycles: 3-week cycles, adding a rep each week, then resetting reps and adding 3% weight.

  • Singles: Cycle through RPE 6-7-8 over the microcycles.

  • Taper Week: One moderate day, one light day, then max out with RPE6-8-10 jumps.

Focus on consistent form, controlled tempos, and autoregulating based on daily performance. Adjust weight and reps as needed to avoid overshooting and ensure steady progress.

Read the full guide on the website for full program details:

4.55 / 5
Connor M.Man, 19
8 days ago
5 weeks complete
3 years of prior experience
More than expected strength gains
As expected muscle gains
Program is good I just found myself not being able to keep up with the weights in the later week. I recommend taking a deload around the 9th week
LowendfuzzMan, 40
14 days ago
3 weeks complete
8 years of prior experience
As expected strength gains
Less than expected muscle gains
Wish there was more accessories
Matthew P.Man
16 days ago
3 weeks complete
3 years of prior experience
More than expected strength gains
As expected muscle gains
Good strength gains from all 3 lifts.
Xavey Man, 16
20 days ago
1 year of prior experience
As expected strength gains
Less than expected muscle gains
broke my back but squat plug saved me
Mikkel N.Man, 20
24 days ago
3 weeks complete
2 years of prior experience
As expected strength gains
As expected muscle gains
Pretty good
Andrew C.Man, 37
25 days ago
3 weeks complete
4 years of prior experience
More than expected strength gains
As expected muscle gains
Done the first microcycle. Well designed program, good exercise selection, reasonable but challenging work load, the progression scheme is clear and simple. READ THE FINE PRINT ABOUT THE TEMPO BENCH. Don’t do the tempo doubles as prescribed by the app, it’s 90% of the single, not 1rm.
Andrew G.Man, 25
a month ago
3 weeks complete
5 years of prior experience
As expected strength gains
As expected muscle gains
Very straight forward and easy to execute. Alot of people lifting without a program make the mistake of trying to progress the weights too fast even if they are following block periodization myself included. Adding 1 rep per week and then dropping back to the starting number of reps at only 3% heavier weights for the next cycle I feel really hit the sweet spot of what most people are capable of, as long as you accurately input your 1RM to start the program.
Suraj DeyMan
a month ago
3 weeks complete
1 year of prior experience
More than expected strength gains
More than expected muscle gains
So I am done with misocycle 1 of the program and my current stats blew up like crazy... i have up'ed my diet by 300 calories since any less and I was loosing weight fast. Previous stats for 1rm for S/B/D in kgs 125/65/160 current stats 145/85/180. Gonna rinse and repeat one more time and see how far it takes me.
Man, 34
a month ago
2 weeks complete
8 years of prior experience
As expected strength gains
As expected muscle gains
Read the program description. I’m finishing my first microcycle and just realized Day 2 Tempo Bench Press is supposed to be 90% of the weight lifted on the first set, not my 1RM. So I missed my lifts in weeks 2-3. Day 4 doesn’t specify which triceps extension to use so I’m using a straight bar to add some variation to the2 triceps rope extensions.
Thuc L.Man, 26
a month ago
2 weeks complete
7 years of prior experience
As expected strength gains
As expected muscle gains
Great Powerlifting Program. It will definitely help improve your main 3 lifts, especially the bench press if you follow the program exercise order and do your bench work first. Volume is just right IMO if you take a day off between day 3 and day 4. I added some hamstring and glute accessories because my deadlift is lacking. I also added a couple of lateral delts and rear delts accessories, 2 additional biceps accessories, and 1 lats and quads isolation accessories because the volume for those are too low for my bodybuilding goals. Overall, great powerlifting program.
Josh S.Man
a month ago
1 week complete
4 years of prior experience
More than expected strength gains
As expected muscle gains
Very great program for strength and size. A quarter though and think the volume and exercise selection is good. The only things I have switched is deadlift and squat is first on the 3 non main bench days. Felt fatigued doing bench first then squat, or deadlift. Also did more lat, mid, and rear delt. Switched a tricep isolation for those and also added more for those 3 muscles. Overall great program so far, and the skill of the big 3 has definitely improved with good volume, and proper accessories.
2 months ago
1 week complete
8 years of prior experience
More than expected strength gains
As expected muscle gains
Highly recommend for a powerlifting program, you might want to add some delt work or extra lat work if you want to build some more of those areas tho. Never forget to use a squat plug!
Braden J.Man, 17
2 months ago
1 week complete
2 years of prior experience
More than expected strength gains
More than expected muscle gains
Great program my squat plug size went up 3 sizes from a XS to a L in just 1 week.
h M.Man, 25
2 months ago
1 week complete
3 years of prior experience
As expected strength gains
As expected muscle gains
Only on week 2 so no gains to report yet. Just wanted to note that there is an error with how the tempo bench on day 2 is programmed. In the program description the weight is supposed to be 90% of the previous single at rpe 6, but the app calculates the work weight as 90% of the competition bench 1rm. I did end up hitting a rep pr because of this but it was quite scary.
Tanmay M.Man, 19
2 months ago
1 week complete
4 years of prior experience
As expected strength gains
As expected muscle gains
Squat plug gains ++++ 💪🏼
Brian Z.Man
2 months ago
3 years of prior experience
As expected strength gains
As expected muscle gains
Squat plug was falling out after I finished this program. Forced me to buy a new one but also increased my squat
Austin V.Man, 18
2 months ago
3 years of prior experience
More than expected strength gains
As expected muscle gains
Boy oh boy where do I even begin. Matt….honey, my pookie bear. I have loved you ever since I first laid eyes on you. The way you squat down and stand up striking fear into your enemies eyes. Your silky smooth hands around the bar, and that gorgeous chest . I would do anything for you. I wish it were possible to freeze time so I would never have to watch you retire. You had a rough childhood, but you never gave up hope. You are even amazing off the squat rack and deadlift platform.you're a great husband and father, sometimes I even call you dad. I forvever dread and weep, thinking of the day you will one day retire. I would sacrifice my own life it were the only thing that could put a smile on your beautiful face. You have given me so much joy, and heartbreak over the years. I remember when you first failed a 700 lb squat and its like my heart got broken into a million pieces. But a tear still fell from my right eye when I watched you squat 750 lb at Nationals, because deep down, my glorious king deserved it. I just wanted you to squat 760 lb Then allas, you did, my sweet baby boy came home and did at BCPA provincials. 2020 was a hard year for us baby, but in 2024 made history happen. You released the greatest powerlifting program of all time , and I couldn't believe it. I was crying, bawling even, and I heard my glorious king exclaim these words, "its Matt Vena time!”Not only have you changed the game of powerlifting and the world forever, but you've eternally changed my world. And now you're getting older, but still the goat, my goat. I love you pookie bear, my glorious king, Matt Vena.☺️♥️🫶🏻
Alonso F.Man, 16
2 months ago
2 years of prior experience
As expected strength gains
As expected muscle gains
Worked really well on my squat plug progression as I stared ou on a M and now worked up to a XXL
JackedRNMan, 50
2 months ago
8 years of prior experience
As expected strength gains
As expected muscle gains
Next to Sheiko great program. About to start using XL squat plug thanks to this man. He is an inspiration.