3 reviews for Hugh Jackman's Wolverine Training Program
This program lasts 8 weeks and includes 4 workouts each week, using an upper/lower training split. It is designed based on Hugh Jackman's training style while bulking up for his role as Wolverine, focusing on muscle building. The weekly set volume aims to promote muscle growth, so you should be in a slight calorie surplus while following this plan to see the best results (scroll down for specific diet guidelines).
Jason G.
Man, 374 weeks complete
2 years of prior experience
As expected strength gains
As expected muscle gains
It has been easy to not have to over think what I’ll be doing everyday!
Man, 30
3 weeks complete
2 years of prior experience
More than expected strength gains
As expected muscle gains
Good core workouts that are great for newcomers. Also has slight variations of workouts for the more seasoned lifter. Give it a try!
Morten A.
Man, 333 weeks complete
1 year of prior experience
As expected strength gains
More than expected muscle gains
Great program