
4 reviews for 5/3/1 Powerbuilding Routine

4.00 / 5

Justin S

Man, 36
23 days ago

8 years of prior experience

As expected strength gains

More than expected muscle gains

Marginal modifications

Don’t let the one review scare you. Yes, this program has a lot of volume, but it it definitely manageable as long as you take some time off every 3-4 cycles. Strength gains were as expected for a 5/3/1 program. What I did not expect was body comp changes I got. Measurements were conducted every 2 weeks with an InBody 770. Over 3 cycles (April-July) I gained 3.5lbs of muscle and dropped 4.4lbs of fat. Overall I went up 0.5lbs of total body weight, but dropped from 21.8 to 18.8% body fat. I was very impressed considering I was a 300-400kcal deficit most days, and I have 10 years of training experience. I can definitely attribute muscle gain in that deficit to the high volume/high intensity of this program.

Sang Kyun K.

4 months ago

1 year of prior experience

As expected strength gains

As expected muscle gains

No modifications

This is the only program that I gain reward

Steve R.

Man, 36
4 months ago

5 years of prior experience

Less than expected strength gains

Less than expected muscle gains

No modifications

Word to the wise for anyone that wants to try this program, be sure you use a training max that is 90% of your ORM for the first week and don’t set it up based on your actual ORM. This is outlined in the book but not mentioned here. Also the program had a lot of volume that is not sustainable for more advanced lifters. Didn’t even bother to complete the 4 weeks, halfway through week 2, I just got a copy of the 5/3/1 book from a friend and used the actual Simplified Strength workout this one is trying to modify. Much simpler and actually a manageable program.