12-week Challenge!
by X
4 athletes joined
Program Description
The main purpose of this program is to help experienced lifters to push themselves to their limit, but with relatively reduced equipment. The program is pretty "hardcore", but not impossible (of course), since, as a veteran lifter myself, I also included two deload weeks, to help athletes to recover after five weeks of intense training. WARNING: I'm NOT a certified professional athlete, nor a personal trainer or have any kind of certificate in any field regarding medicine, nutrition, or training: my program stems from my direct experience in over 7 years of training, having also come in contact with different trainers and doctors both in real life and on the internet, during my fitness journey. With that being said, always remember to discuss with your healthcare provider what is best for you: every human is different and has their own needs in terms of health and training. I tried my best to share my knowledge with the community and to create a program for intermediate and advanced athletes, to help them reach a new level of strength and body confidence! Bury in mind that everyone should feel free to try the challenge, but make sure you choose your weights carefully and properly, and also make sure you don't get injured! Always remember to make a nice warm-up before starting your training, and a good cool-down after finishing the day! Lastly, remember to take a proper amount of time to rest between the sets, and start performing the next set/exercise only after you are confident you have fully recovered from the previous one: everyone is different, so take the rest time you think is best for you, and for each exercise, making sure to recover more for the more intense part of each workout! Oh, and don't forget to have fun, of course! I think I brought to your attention all the most important things! Please be careful with the exercises, and always make sure to perform them in safety: I warned you, so I will take NO responsibility for any injury you may experience, or damage of any kind your gym gear might report as a result of following my program without having taken the necessary safety precautions before performing the exercises! To sum it all up: push yourselves to your limit, but do things carefully and thoughtfully, and remember to have fun!😜 Best Regards. ~Just an ordinary guy who enjoys training~
Program Overview
Intermediate, Advanced
Athletics, Muscle & Sculpting, Bodybuilding, Powerbuilding, Bodyweight Fitness
Garage Gym
Program Length
12 weeks
Time Per Workout
80 minutes
Mar 07, 2024 07:52
Last Edited
May 21, 2024 03:53
Week 1
1 / 12 Weeks
Day 2
Seated Military Press (Barbell)
4 Sets
10 Reps
Lateral Raise (Dumbbell)
3 Sets
10 Reps
Face Pull
3 Sets
12 Reps
Bulgarian Split Squat (Dumbbell)
4 Sets
8 Reps
Jump Squat
3 Sets
10 Reps
Romanian Deadlift (Barbell)
4 Sets
8 Reps
Standing Calf Raise
3 Sets
15 Reps
Day 3
Pull-Up (Weighted)
4 Sets
8 Reps
Clean Deadlift
3 Sets
10 Reps
Barbell Row
3 Sets
10 Reps
Bicep Curl (Barbell)
4 Sets
8 Reps
Hammer Curl
3 Sets
10 Reps
Wrist Curls
3 Sets
15 Reps
Oblique Crunch
3 Sets
30 Reps
Day 1
Push Up (Weighted)
4 Sets
8 Reps
Incline Bench Press (Dumbbell)
3 Sets
10 Reps
Incline Chest Fly (Dumbbell)
3 Sets
12 Reps
Overhead Tricep Extensions
4 Sets
6 Reps
Diamond Push-ups
3 Sets
10 Reps
3 Sets
1 mins