Program Description
* ignore first 1 rep max screen Training program, that I currently use. The Wednesday starts with legs and arms as this is my weak link. Feel free to change volume if it’s too much, or exercises if you don’t feel good with them. How to choose weight? You should take weight that you can do for 10 reps with RIR 3 (3 reps in reserve) at the beggining. Anything in rep range presented in training is ok, but I recommend to start with something in the middle, because it’s often good stimulus for growth and strength. Just remember to always stick with presented RIR. Progression I recommend to add about 2,5%-5% weight every week. If it’s to small weight to add (dumbbell lateral raises for example), add more reps then, and add another 2,5-5%% this weight. If it’s still not enough, repeat adding % until you can add some weight. Deload weeks Weeks 6 and 12 are deload weeks, which are very helpful when it comes to managing your regeneration. If you think you don’t need it, skip week 6 deload and start week 7 instead. Take them very easy, training with about 50% of one rep max, and RIR 6. Volume Start with sets as presented. If you feel sore starting some exercise, just decrease next same category exercise sets by 1, etc. For example if you feel sore doing cable row in week 1 Wednesday, decrease number of sets in rowing next two trainings (week 2 Monday) by 1. On the other hand, if you feel 100%, fully regenerated in some exercise, and felt it easy then add 1 set. Breaks I suggest 2-3 minutes on most exercises, just to fully catch your breath and physical state, being ready to do another set. Its ok to do some 4-5 minutes breaks, just remember that they will stretch your workout length. I recommend to use some intra-workout nutrition, drink. Good luck.
Program Overview
- LevelIntermediate, Novice
- GoalBodybuilding, Powerbuilding
- EquipmentFull Gym
- Program Length12 weeks
- Time Per Workout90 minutes
- CreatedJan 09, 2024 09:06
- Last EditedSep 14, 2024 08:19