Program Description
A 4 day program to follow once you've got at least a few months of experience in gym. This is a good progression after PPL for building strength alongside hypertrophy. Differences from original PHUL - - switched upper/lower days, to give your best for the compound lifts on leg days(deadlift & squat) right after rest. - switched front squat and back squats, so as to not mix squat and deadlift. Deadlifts will be done in lower strength day and squat in the lower hypertrophy day(lower reps though to emphasize on strength). - changed triceps exercise and include two different exercises on each day focusing on the lateral and long head. - Included abs workout - Included Face pulls for overall shoulder health, this ensures external rotation Other recommendations - - Split, Monday(Day1), Tuesday(Day2), Wednesday(Rest), Thursday(Day3), Friday(Day 4), Sat, Sunday(Rest) - Every 4 weeks, skip the arm on Thursday and do 1000-rep arm workout on Friday - - You can superset face pull with other exercises or include in warm up routine - Do pull-ups/chin-ups/push-ups in warmup routine - Feel free to include cardio at the end or on the rest days - Progressive overload - increase reps or weight without breaking form. Start with high weight - Go to failures in last set in Hypertrophy. End with lengthened partials. - The main driver for hypertrophy is going to be tension, slow down in the eccentric to maximize gains. - Don't forget to do warmup sets for heavy loads.
Program Overview
- LevelNovice, Intermediate
- GoalBodybuilding, Muscle & Sculpting
- EquipmentFull Gym
- Program Length12 weeks
- Time Per Workout90 minutes
- CreatedJul 04, 2024 04:12
- Last EditedAug 25, 2024 09:54