3 Times Fullbody Workout
by Matthias Bier
Program Description
Hey, So last year i became a Dad and don't get me wrong it was and is the best thing ever happened in my life. But as soon as you get to know how much time and energy flows into being a good Father, you recognize that you can't live your life as befor. Long story short, i always went 5 to 6 days per Week into the Gym but nowadays this seems impossible, so i bought myself a Homegym and created a Plan i could stick to while being there for my Job and my Family. This Plan is for all of you out there who want to kick there ass in the Gym/Homegym and still have enough time for everything else. The Plan looks like this: -Alternated Fullbody Workout -3 Times a Week -After every Workout there needs to be at least one Restday -Perfect would be Monday/Wedneysday/Friday but you could also do Monday/Thursday/Saturday etc. -You will take all Sets very hard and pushing to the limit but the last set of every exercise should really be to reach Failure no Reps in Reserve! -You can run this Plan in a normal Gym but also in a Homegym with not so much Equipment needed. - Rest Time between Sets: I would recommend between 60 and 120 seconds. 120 for Exercises like Benchpress/Squats/Deadlift...90 seconds for Lat Pulldown/Rows/Military Press and 60 seconds for Isolation Exercises Biceps/Calves etc. -Progression: When you manage to get all sets of an exercise with the highest amount of Reps you add some weight for next Workout and so on. For Example: Benchpress 90 KG x 8/8/8/8 >>>next Workout 92,5 KG x 8/8/7/6 (you stick to the weight until reaching 8 Reps in every Set) When the 12 Weeks are over i would recommend doing one week of rest. And then starting over again or change some exercises if you want and focuse more on weakpoints. Have fun and let us beat the Dad Bot!
Program Overview
Beginner, Novice, Intermediate
Bodybuilding, Powerbuilding, Muscle & Sculpting
Garage Gym
Program Length
12 weeks
Time Per Workout
90 minutes
Feb 16, 2024 10:33
Last Edited
Jun 14, 2024 04:10
Week 1
1 / 12 Weeks
Day 1
Bench Press (Barbell)
3 Sets
1 Set
6-8 Reps
6-8 Reps
Squat (Low Bar)
2 Sets
1 Set
6-8 Reps
6-8 Reps
Seated Row (Cable)
3 Sets
1 Set
10-12 Reps
10-12 Reps
Incline Bench Press (Dumbbell)
2 Sets
1 Set
8-10 Reps
8-10 Reps
Lateral Raise (Dumbbell)
2 Sets
1 Set
12-15 Reps
12-15 Reps
Bicep Curl (Barbell)
2 Sets
1 Set
8-10 Reps
8-10 Reps
Tricep Pushdown (Cable)
2 Sets
1 Set
12-15 Reps
12-15 Reps
Standing Calf Raise
2 Sets
1 Set
15-20 Reps
15-20 Reps
Day 2
Barbell Row
2 Sets
1 Set
8-10 Reps
8-10 Reps
Stiff Leg Deadlift
3 Sets
1 Set
6-8 Reps
6-8 Reps
Lat Pulldown
2 Sets
1 Set
8-10 Reps
8-10 Reps
Dip (Weighted)
3 Sets
1 Set
6-8 Reps
6-8 Reps
Military Press (Barbell)
2 Sets
1 Set
8-10 Reps
8-10 Reps
Alternating Dumbbell Curl
2 Sets
1 Set
10-12 Reps
10-12 Reps
Lying Leg Curl
2 Sets
1 Set
10-12 Reps
10-12 Reps
Sit Up
3 Sets
Day 3
Squat (Low Bar)
2 Sets
1 Set
6-8 Reps
6-8 Reps
Bench Press (Barbell)
3 Sets
1 Set
6-8 Reps
6-8 Reps
Lat Pulldown (Neutral Grip)
3 Sets
1 Set
10-12 Reps
10-12 Reps
Leg Extension
2 Sets
1 Set
12-15 Reps
12-15 Reps
Face Pull
2 Sets
1 Set
12-15 Reps
12-15 Reps
Overhead Tricep Extension (Cable)
2 Sets
1 Set
8-10 Reps
8-10 Reps
Incline Curl (Dumbbell)
2 Sets
1 Set
12-15 Reps
12-15 Reps
Standing Calf Raise
2 Sets
1 Set
15-20 Reps
15-20 Reps