Program Description
UPPER/ LOWER Program This is a based program designed to provide and or assist you with building mass amounts of strength and a side effect of muscle. You’ll be mainly focusing on compound lifts exercises like deadlift, bench and squat NOTE Guts is used to maintaining strength and endurance. He is able to throw around a slab of iron he calls and sword so you’ll be mainly doing that exact thing. I would highly recommend that you throw in some (Close Grig Conventional Squats HEEL ELEVATED) and the Guillotine Press for just better leg and chest movements THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE TRAINING If wanting Forearm and Dips for further Hypertrophy, in between workouts Via Super Sets or during Rest day (optional) If mainly Strength Trainer Change Workouts to main workouts Bench, Squats, and deadlifts on the muscle groups they work Chest, Triceps, and legs needed 2 times a week to enhance muscle mass and overall muscular performance and look In order to increase muscle mass you must find out basic daily calorie intake and add 200- 300 calories in order to gain muscle mass but if wanting to lose mass the subtract 200- 300 calories Muscle doesn’t get built while in the weight room, muscle grows and gains mass while resting and sleeping. sleep and water are the most important components when lifting weights Best YouTubers to watch for further improvement is Bald-Omni Man, Natural Hypertrophy, Trent Twins, and most bodybuilders The Final Answer will most likely change over time with either major or minor improvements. Make change to it if necessary. LASTLY (HEAVY AND CONTROLLED)
Program Overview
- LevelAdvanced
- GoalPowerlifting, Powerbuilding
- EquipmentFull Gym
- Program Length12 weeks
- Time Per Workout60 minutes
- CreatedFeb 02, 2024 01:12
- Last EditedJun 23, 2024 09:26