Program Description
The plan is geared towards the following goals: a) Balanced combination of strength and hypertrophy training b) Simple and flexible c) Periodized and long-term executable Notes: Breaks: As short as possible for the main exercises, as long as necessary (should be in the range of 3 to 8 minutes as far as possible). For the rest, I would recommend deliberately reducing the breaks (usually 2-3 minutes). Cadences, intensity techniques, exercise variations, etc.: During the support exercises and on GK day - fire away! The only tip: it is more effective if you don't use it all the time. In addition, you should of course not exceed the specified load limit so as not to increase your overall fatigue too much. Fatigue management and individualization: The progression scheme and the number of sets and exercises are a good starting point. If you have gone through several cycles and have been attentive, you will notice where you can make adjustments: Maybe in week 4 to 93% instead of 90%? Maybe 4 sets of the support exercise instead of 3? Maybe increase in waves instead of linearly? Adjust it, but do yourself the favor of doing this after sound observation and analysis. The 3 main exercises should only be swapped sparingly. It would be conceivable to do bench => overhead press (e.g. for strongman), deadlift => sumo deadlift or back squat => front squat from time to time. "Increase responsibly" at the end of the cycle means that you should ask yourself whether you have just managed to cope with the load using a crippling technique - in which case it may be best to repeat it - or whether you have marched solidly through it - in which case you can increase accordingly. If you fancy a bit of a thrill, you can of course add max attempts to the 4 or 5-week cycles. As a general rule, a maximum repetition will not kill you in terms of regeneration, but avoid grinders that are too hard, max tests that are too frequent and, above all, unsafe execution (lack of spotters, poor technique, etc.). All other exercises can and should be responsibly changed. That means, for example, replacing the leg press with the belt squat, and not replacing the KH press with cable flys. The plan is also suitable if you don't have much time for training. Limit yourself to the absolute core: TE1 squat+light bench, TE2 lift+one back exercise, TE3 bench+light squat - you can do it in 3*45min and still make progress. Or even the extreme version in 2 days: TE1 bend+bench, TE2 lift+light bench (=2*45, can be completed on Sat+Sun, for example). Scheme remains the same. Deloads, i.e. a 5th and light week in the cycle, by feel and not too often. You can decide from week to week whether you do unit 4 - depending on your time, mood and recovery status. Of course, you can also set priorities here. Please don't forget to warm up properly, stretch as needed and strengthen weak points (e.g. abdomen, rotators, lower back).
Program Overview
- LevelIntermediate, Advanced
- GoalPowerbuilding, Bodybuilding, Powerlifting, Olympic Weightlifting
- EquipmentFull Gym
- Program Length5 weeks
- Time Per Workout60 minutes
- CreatedSep 01, 2024 03:55
- Last EditedSep 05, 2024 11:17