Glute focus LULU program (Minimalist)
by Levente L.
9 athletes joined
Program Description
Introduction: The glutes, consisting of the gluteus maximus, medius, and minimus, are among the largest and most powerful muscles in the body. A well-developed and strong gluteal region not only enhances aesthetics but also plays a crucial role in lower body strength, power, and overall athletic performance. This 4-day split workout program is designed to specifically target and strengthen the glutes through a combination of low volume and high-intensity exercises. The program is structured to be time-efficient, allowing you to complete a focused and effective glute workout within a one-hour session. By prioritizing quality over quantity and incorporating strategic exercises, this program aims to optimize muscle activation, growth, and functional strength in the glute muscles. Whether you are looking to enhance your physique, improve athletic performance, or simply strengthen your glutes for overall health and fitness, this program provides a targeted and efficient approach to achieving your goals. Get ready to challenge your glutes, push your limits, and unlock the full potential of one of the body's most powerful muscle groups. Controlling the eccentric and tempo in your gym workouts can significantly impact your strength gains, muscle growth, and overall performance. The eccentric phase of an exercise refers to the lengthening of the muscle under tension, while the tempo refers to the speed at which you perform each repetition. By focusing on controlling the eccentric phase and adjusting the tempo of your lifts, you can maximize muscle activation, stimulate greater muscle growth, and improve movement quality. During the eccentric phase, it is essential to resist the weight as it moves in the opposite direction of the muscle contraction. This controlled lowering phase not only helps build strength but also creates more muscle damage, which is essential for muscle growth and adaptation. By slowing down the eccentric portion of the movement, you can increase time under tension and improve muscle fiber recruitment. Adjusting the tempo of your lifts involves controlling the speed at which you perform each phase of the exercise, including the concentric (lifting) and eccentric (lowering) phases. For example, using a slower tempo, such as a 3-0-3 tempo (3 seconds lowering, no pause, 3 seconds lifting), can enhance muscle activation, improve mind-muscle connection, and promote muscle hypertrophy. Incorporating controlled eccentrics and tempo variations into your workouts can be beneficial for strength training, bodybuilding, and functional fitness. Experiment with different tempos, focus on the quality of each repetition, and pay attention to muscle engagement throughout the entire range of motion. By mastering the eccentric phase and tempo in your workouts, you can unlock new levels of strength, muscle development, and performance in the gym.
Program Overview
Beginner, Advanced, Novice, Intermediate
Full Gym
Program Length
6 weeks
Time Per Workout
60 minutes
May 20, 2024 07:37
Last Edited
Jul 22, 2024 02:02
Week 1
1 / 6 Weeks
Day 1
Hip Thrust (Barbell)
3 Sets
6-8 Reps
Bulgarian Split Squat (Dumbbell)
2 Sets
6-8 Reps
Leg Press
2 Sets
6-8 Reps
Leg Curl
3 Sets
8-12 Reps
Hip Adductor (Machine)
3 Sets
8-12 Reps
Day 3
Romanian Deadlift (Barbell)
1 Set
1 Set
4-6 Reps
6-8 Reps
Bulgarian Split Squat (Dumbbell)
2 Sets
6-8 Reps
Glute Kickback (Cable)
2 Sets
6-8 Reps
Leg Press
2 Sets
6-8 Reps
Leg Extension
2 Sets
8-12 Reps
Day 4
Wide Grip Lat Pulldown
3 Sets
8-12 Reps
Seated Wide-Grip Row (Cable)
2 Sets
8-12 Reps
Bench Press (Dumbbell)
2 Sets
8-12 Reps
Face Pull
3 Sets
8-12 Reps
Lateral Raise (Dumbbell)
3 Sets
8-12 Reps
Overhead Extension (Dumbbell)
2 Sets
8-12 Reps
Hammer Curl
2 Sets
8-12 Reps
Day 2
Incline Chest Press (Machine)
3 Sets
6-8 Reps
Shoulder Press (Machine)
3 Sets
6-8 Reps
Seated Row (Cable)
2 Sets
8-12 Reps
Lateral Raise (Dumbbell)
3 Sets
8-12 Reps
Tricep Pushdown (Cable)
3 Sets
8-12 Reps
Alternating Dumbbell Curl
3 Sets
8-12 Reps