Program Description
This program is designed for fighters who are looking to develop knockout punches. As a side effect, you will also become bigger, stronger, and faster. The plan is structured around three phases. Phase 1: Hypertrophy and volume Lifting days: Focus on building muscle. The volume of the work will increase quickly, so stick to the assigned rate of perceived exertion (RPE). RPE 7 means there are 3 reps left in the tank, RPE 8 means 2, and 10 is max effort. Drill days: Focus on perfecting the movements and learning how to recruit all your muscle fibers to produce maximum force. But don't go all out. We are just getting started. Try to stay around 80% effort. Phase 2: Strength Lifting days: The lifts are now mostly 3 sets of 5 reps. The goal is to add weight every session and get the body accustomed to heavy loads to produce a lot of force. The volume is much lower, which should help reduce fatigue. Don't go too heavy, there should still be a couple of reps left in the tank. Try to add 2.5-5kg to the lifts every time. Drill days: The intensity is increasing a bit. Its still not max effort so keep that in mind. Phase 3: Power and explosivity Lifting days: The weights are much lighter now and the reps are few. The point is to produce as much force as possible and move the weights as fast as u can. Every repetition should explode in the concentric phase. So if you squat you go down slow and controlled and then explode out of the hole. Drill days: Everything you have done in this program has led to this point. Now its time to integrate all the force your body can produce and direct to your punches. Always belive that you can hit even harder. Take all the rest you need between sets to be able to give it 100% every time. Hulk smash!
Program Overview
- LevelBeginner, Novice, Intermediate
- GoalAthletics, Bodybuilding, Powerbuilding, Muscle & Sculpting
- EquipmentGarage Gym
- Program Length12 weeks
- Time Per Workout60 minutes
- CreatedMay 11, 2024 08:51
- Last EditedFeb 07, 2025 11:38