Program Description
I use this program as a base phase for strongman prep. Treating it like 531, use a 90% training max on all the lifts and increase this by 2.5-5kg every 3 weeks depending on how you feel. For me bench press requires more volume than the other main lifts so I program in a daily undulating periodisation, varying the set/rep scheme each workout. Train squats and dead’s twice a week both on the same day, first movement heavy, second movement light, alternating workouts. An AMRAP on heavy deadlifts and a rep goal for heavy squats mixed in with light volume work works excellently. On push press days I do a clean and press which gives my shoulders a bit of extra recovery between reps. I’ve put this as a rep goal system so if you can get the reps out in a 1 set AMRAP then do so, once it gets too heavy just spread it out over as few sets as you can. Final press day is a 10 minute EMOM. The arm day is thrown is as a sort of recovery day so rather than taking a rest day I like to train arms and pretend I’m a bodybuilder for a day. You could spread this volume over the other 4 days or miss it out entirely if you like. Essentially: Progress the main lifts and fatigue the accessory muscles as much as you can. Get the calories in.
Program Overview
- LevelIntermediate, Advanced
- GoalPowerbuilding
- EquipmentFull Gym
- Program Length3 weeks
- Time Per Workout80 minutes
- CreatedJun 04, 2024 06:51
- Last EditedJun 13, 2024 06:35