Prometheus Protocol
by Drew
Program Description
With the Prometheus Protocol, we have undoubtedly subscribed to the “less is more” philosophy. Except when it comes to eating; where more is certainly more. 🙂 Here is what you will need for the Prometheus protocol: 1. Two Relatively Heavy Kettlebells 2. 2 Days a Week to Dedicate to Training 3. Stock Options in Chipotle The Prometheus Protocol may very well be the simplest program you will ever follow, as it requires you to train only 2 days a week. Need I remind you however that simple rarely equals easy? When it comes to putting on size our goal is to elicit a maximal hormonal response (particularly growth hormone, testosterone, and IGF-1). We will utilize two of the biggest compound kettlebell movements for this: 1. The Double Kettlebell Front Squat 2. The Double Kettlebell Clean and Press Between these two movements, just about every single muscle group in your body will be taxed. Both of these exercises are exceptionally high in neuromuscular activation, and when loaded with an appropriate amount of weight, will indeed elicit quite a remarkable hormonal response. The program itself as I mentioned earlier only has you training two days a week. DO NOT TRAIN ON CONSECUTIVE DAYS OF THE WEEK! Please allow for at least two days of rest in between each training session. I do not care whether you perform your sets of front squats or double clean and press first, only that you complete the prescribed amount of sets and reps which are as follows: Double Clean and Press – 10 sets x 5 reps @ 60-80% of your 1 rep max Double Kettlebell Front Squat – 10 sets of 5 reps @ 60-80% of your 1 rep max It’s no mystery that you need to move heavy weight around to put on size. But in order to achieve the best response for muscle hypertrophy we must use a tactical mix of volume, density, and intensity. Here are the rules: 1. Rest periods between sets should be between 60-120 seconds 2. Use a weight that is between 60-80% of your one rep max. It goes without saying (except for the fact that I’m saying it…) that you should use the heaviest weight you possibly can so long as you are still able to hit the required of reps and keep your rest periods under 120 seconds. 3. If done correctly, each training session should take NO longer than 30-40 minutes.
Program Overview
Intermediate, Novice
Athletics, Bodybuilding, Muscle & Sculpting
Garage Gym
Program Length
4 weeks
Time Per Workout
30 minutes
Apr 08, 2024 02:45
Last Edited
May 07, 2024 10:19
Week 1
1 / 4 Weeks
Day 1
Double Kettlebell Clean and Press
10 Sets
5 Reps
Double Kettlebell Front Squat
10 Sets
5 Reps
Day 2
Double Kettlebell Clean and Press
10 Sets
5 Reps
Double Kettlebell Front Squat
10 Sets
5 Reps