Size & Strength For The Average Busy Trainee
by Rubén P.
29 athletes joined
Program Description
This program is designed por busy people who can only train up to a couple days a week, or lazy people who want to gain muscle and get stronger. Note: you can also perform more days, in blocks 1&2, just make sure they don't stress your joints and that all the extra work being done is just hyperthrophy, at the intensity of each week. Exercise selection may vary during the weeks, you can switch the accesory work, as long as they target the same muscles. However I don't recommend changing them very often. The program can be divided into three different training blocks: BLOCK 1: acummulation phase, we will focus on hyperthrophy at the beggining, so that the muscle gains come when we are training for strength (more muscle lifts more weight). We still practice the big three, but we don't aim for increasing load just yet. During this block intesity remains moderate, generally RPE 7, so don't take sets to failure. Total volume is increased from week to week, adding a set to most exercises. BLOCK 2: intensification phase: volume is maintained while increasing intensity. Rep reanges lower and sets are mainteined. Add 2,5 kg or 5 lb to your SBD during this block. Again try to stay fixed to the RPE given. BLOCK 3: realisation phase: intensity keeps increasing, this time at the expense of volume, reps and sets decrease week to week. With this in mind, every week add 5 kg or 10 lb to your main lifts, the last week you can (should, I mean, is the main purpose of the program :D). Please, don't be stupid, if you feel extremely tired from session to session or feel any articular discomfort take a deload or a week off. I haven't included deloads because I assuming begginers and intermidiates don't lift 200kgs. Also, perform the exercises with good technique and respect the RPEs if you don't know what RPE means how dificult was the set in a scale from 1 to 10. RPE 7: 3 Reps In Reserve (RIR) RPE 7.5: 2 RIR, could have increased a bit the load RPE 8: 2 RIR ... Hope you enjoy the program, I am really interesed in what were your 1rms and your 1rms when finishing the program.
Program Overview
Beginner, Novice, Intermediate
Powerlifting, Powerbuilding
Full Gym
Program Length
12 weeks
Time Per Workout
70 minutes
Feb 28, 2024 05:42
Last Edited
Jul 22, 2024 12:56
Week 1
1 / 12 Weeks
Day 2
Deadlift (Barbell)
3 Sets
6 Reps
Bench Press (Barbell)
3 Sets
8 Reps
Leg Press
3 Sets
8 Reps
Dip (Weighted)
3 Sets
8 Reps
Pull-Up (Bodyweight)
3 Sets
8 Reps
Tricep Pushdown (Cable)
3 Sets
8 Reps
Day 1
Squat (Barbell)
3 Sets
8 Reps
Bench Press (Barbell)
3 Sets
8 Reps
Romanian Deadlift (Barbell)
3 Sets
8 Reps
Seated Overhead Press (Dumbbell)
3 Sets
8 Reps
Chest Supported Row (Machine)
3 Sets
8 Reps
Bicep Curl (Dumbbell)
3 Sets
8 Reps