Program Description
Made for smoke stack. Cardio should be done after four of the desired training sessions per week, for 20 minutes each. This should be moderately intense, modality is your choice. Bench is done 3x8 at a given percentage, the last set is done to failure. On all other exercises select a load to fit the rep range at the given RPE as closely as possible. RPE 6.5 is meant for you to have 3-4 reps in the tank, RPE 7.5 is 2-3 in the tank, etc. Sleep and diet are also crucial, even a god gifted program can’t make you bigger/leaner without a diet that reflects your goals. You also need plenty of sleep, you won’t be able to do more tomorrow if you don’t recover tonight. Miss days as little as little as possible, each week gets harder and heavier as each week builds off of the last.
Program Overview
- LevelNovice
- GoalBodybuilding, Powerbuilding
- EquipmentFull Gym
- Program Length6 weeks
- Time Per Workout60 minutes
- CreatedMay 08, 2024 10:23
- Last EditedJun 21, 2024 06:49