Super Squats
by TS132
615 athletes joined
(3 ratings)
Program Description
The ‘Super Squats Program’ is an old-school bodybuilding program designed to help hard gainers build muscle. It goes to extreme lengths to help stimulate stubborn muscles and rewards lifters willing to tolerate the brutal program. It is designed around a highly effective exercise we all know and love — the squat. Squats are an excellent lower body strength and muscle builder. They also tax the upper body as you must stabilize the barbell. The Super Squats Program involves performing 20 reps of squats with your 10-rep max weight. This forces you to push harder than you typically would. It is absolutely brutal and triggers a high amount of mechanical tension and metabolic stress. The key to achieving this is 'breathing squats', by performing one rep and then taking three deep belly breathes you prepare yourself for the next rep. Repeat this until you get your 20 reps, this will be a mental test as much as a physical one, don't be surprised to spend 3-4 minutes under the bar. The Super Squats Program also includes other compound exercises that train several muscle groups, ensuring balanced physique development. Key steps to success. *Super Squats is a three day full body program with one rest day in-between sessions and two after the last session. *Start the program with your 10rm for squats and perform one set of twenty using the 'breathing squats' technique. Take three deep, slow breaths before taking the next rep. *Don't try to bang out 10 reps and grind your way through the last 10, slow and steady wins the race. *Immediately after finishing your squats go straight into the dumbbell pullover. *Be honest with yourself if you fail. Your mind will scream to rerack the weight. Could you have done those last two reps if you really wanted it. Come back with a stronger mind set. *Each and every session you will add 5lbs/2.5kg to the bar for squats. By the end of the 6 weeks if you are resilient you will have added 85lbs/42.5kg to the bar. *If you truly fail, struggle badly and fall well short of the 20 reps. Mark it up as a bad day, eat a ton of food and come back better prepared and reattempt the previous weight. *For the rest of the movements don't chase PRs, don't push to failure. You'll likely get stronger, but fatigue management is important. *Hugely important. You MUST eat. If you're not recovering, eat MORE. The original author recommended drinking a gallon of milk every day on top of a healthy diet. Expect to put lbs of weight on. *The original book made claims of 30lbs of muscle in 6 weeks. Whilst this is unattainable, you WILL grow if you put the work in. I recommend reading the Super Squats book by Randall J. Strossen, Ph.D if you want to learn more about the methodology around Super Squats. Good Luck!
Program Overview
Novice, Intermediate
Garage Gym
Program Length
6 weeks
Time Per Workout
40 minutes
Jan 03, 2024 10:39
Last Edited
Jul 24, 2024 09:15
Week 1
1 / 6 Weeks
Day 1
Standing Behind Neck Shoulder Press (Barbell)
3 Sets
12 Reps
Squat (Barbell)
1 Set
20 Reps
Dumbbell Bench Pullover
1 Set
20 Reps
Bench Press (Barbell)
3 Sets
12 Reps
Bent Over Row (Barbell)
3 Sets
15 Reps
Stiff Leg Deadlift
1 Set
15 Reps
Day 2
Standing Behind Neck Shoulder Press (Barbell)
3 Sets
12 Reps
Squat (Barbell)
1 Set
20 Reps
Dumbbell Bench Pullover
1 Set
20 Reps
Bench Press (Barbell)
3 Sets
12 Reps
Bent Over Row (Barbell)
3 Sets
15 Reps
Stiff Leg Deadlift
1 Set
15 Reps
Day 3
Standing Behind Neck Shoulder Press (Barbell)
3 Sets
12 Reps
Squat (Barbell)
1 Set
20 Reps
Dumbbell Bench Pullover
1 Set
20 Reps
Bench Press (Barbell)
3 Sets
12 Reps
Bent Over Row (Barbell)
3 Sets
15 Reps
Stiff Leg Deadlift
1 Set
15 Reps
Only ratings with written feedback are displayed here.
3.67 / 5
John J.Man
2 months ago
3 years of prior experience
Less than expected strength gains
Less than expected muscle gains
No modifications
The workouts listed here are not from the actual super squats book. Maybe give credit to the actual author instead of stealing his content ya clown
BryanAge 34, Man
4 months ago
1 year of prior experience
More than expected strength gains
More than expected muscle gains
No modifications
This program really helped me focus on my squat. Doing something this intensely difficult 3 times a week is super gratifying in its own right. I feel more capable and accomplished after adding 40lbs to my 20 rep squat in just 4 weeks. This program is intense and I was only able to hang on for 4 of the prescribed 6 weeks. After a deload and starting back up on a 531, I am seeing gains all across the board. I think using Super Squats as a base building routine before a peaking phase might make a whole lot of sense. I needed to eat and sleep a lot more on this program, but all in all I would recommend this to anyone.