Program Description
Personal Goals: Bench and OH Press priority. Put 20lb on Bench (225total), put 10lb on OH Press (140total), 20lb on Squat (355total), maintain Deadlift (405) and work on form. Starting off with decent amount of medium intensity frequency, working up to intense, heavy frequency. Subbed Front Squat occasionally for RDLs to ease volume on lower back as DLs get heavier and to increase mass and volume capacity in quadriceps. Subbed Bent Rows and Pendlay Rows in and out to preserve erector recovery at tail end of cycle. Tapered general lower body volume as Max Testing approaches in the post-cycle week. Hoping it will provide extra freshness for test week, reevaluate if not. Keeping chest, shoulder, and upper back volume relatively the same because of higher recovery potential, reevaluate if not. Things to pay attention to: Progression on secondary movements… all secondary movements have a “0 Rep” last set. This is intended to denote an auto regulating AMRAP. Intending for these to help better adjust weekly undulation and balance higher effort on hypertrophy oriented exercises supplementing primary movements. If reps at set percentages of relevant 1RMs exceed the amount used in previous working sets, you can better adjust the following week’s volume at the same weight or, the inverse, weight and the same rep count. This is something I’d like to experiment with later on to see if I can determine an optimal intensity-volume ratio that lends itself better to hypertrophy/strength/both in my body individually. I also intend on having another day a week that I train Bench and OH Press exclusively. Usually I’ll use it to incorporate things like pin presses and dumbbell variations, but overall anything that gets more touches on Bench and OH Press.
Program Overview
- LevelIntermediate, Novice
- GoalPowerbuilding
- EquipmentFull Gym
- Program Length5 weeks
- Time Per Workout120 minutes
- CreatedMar 09, 2024 10:01
- Last EditedMay 25, 2024 01:35