Frankoman's Dumbbell Only Split
A dumbbell only workout program for home or the gym that will pack on muscle mass for beginners.
Are you searching for a simple, effective way to exercise at home using just dumbbells? We understand that not everyone wants to invest in costly fitness equipment. Our workout plan is designed for you! All you need are some dumbbells and an adjustable bench. Suitable for beginners and those at an intermediate level, this routine is straightforward and efficient. If you happen to have a pull-up bar, we recommend incorporating chin-ups or wide-grip pull-ups into your back exercises for added benefit!
This is a 3 day workout program. You'll want to have at least one rest day between your workout days. A sample schedule is:
Monday - Chest and Triceps
Tuesday - Rest
Wednesday - Back and Biceps
Thursday - Rest
Friday - Legs and Shoulders
Saturday - Rest
Sunday - Rest
This routine was designed by Frankoman from team Muscle & Strength and is published on the r/fitness Wiki as a recommended routine. Please refer to the full program guide from Muscle & Strength for more details.
- LevelBeginner, Novice, Intermediate
- GoalBodybuilding, Muscle & Sculpting
- EquipmentDumbbell Only
- Program Length10 weeks
- Days Per Week3 days
- Time Per Workout45 minutes